Are you ready for a mountain of legislation?

The industry is braced for a series of key legislative changes:


New Building Regulations Parts F, L and O

Revisions to Parts L and F were worked in tandem to ensure improved energy savings were not at the expense of good indoor air quality (IAQ).

Part L: Domestic carbon emissions to fall by 30% and in non-domestic buildings by 27%.

Part F: CO2 monitors will be mandatory to demonstrate ventilation effectiveness and there are additional standards for recirculating ventilation systems in all new offices

Part O is new and sets targets for cutting overheating in domestic and non-domestic buildings.

All are stepping stones towards the Future Homes and Buildings Standards, which aim to make all buildings ‘net zero ready’ from 2025.

Autumn 2022:

Building Safety Act

Building Safety Act will introduce profound changes to manufacturing, planning, procurement, installation, inspection, competence, and compliance right across the industry. Retrospective powers to prosecute safety breaches.

April 2023:


Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES) to be upgraded and will make it unlawful for a landlord to let any commercial property with an EPC rating of less than E.

MEES level will rise to B by 1st April 2030 with landlords given two “compliance windows” starting in April 2025. All properties will have to be at least C rated by 2027.

To speak with one of our experts about how the upcoming changes in legislation will affect your HVAC project, please call 0345 565 2700.
